Horror Roleplaying Writing Guide


Starting with a good story to build up tension is great. Building on that, Ash Law wrote an amazing document that will take you to the next level of horror and how to write a good story for your Dungeons and Dragons game called “The Trajectory of Fear”. We wanted to borrw some concepts from Ash and work them into a matrix that we could follow in game to stay flexible to what players chose but would allow us to work in the planned scares we had worked so hard on..

You can listen to the series on horror in Dungeons & Dragons to get more details and examples of how we use this guide or just simply download it below, we think it does pretty good standing on it’s own.

  1. First Episode: What do we need to craft a good horror story

  2. Second Episode: What do we need to add terror to our monsters

  3. Third Episode: How fears can be applied to good roleplay