One Page Story System

Finally, a form-fillable (or printable), easy to use D&D session planner.

Sure, you can summon your award-winning ‘Citizen Kane’ of a D&D session that breaks boundaries and is a true masterpiece but perhaps runs the risk of being too high concept for most to really enjoy. Much easier than that though, is planning a game that perhaps repeats the same formula but is reliable, enjoyable, fun and gives most people a great time, the ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ or the ‘Buffy the Vampire Slayer’ of the D&D world. It’s hard to get tired of a reliably good time.

Building a structure around a game allows for better pacing, more creativity and frees the Dungeon Master up mentally for many other important tasks, like pulling their players deeper into their experience.

How To Use This System

The core idea to this sheet is filling out the details so that you as a new Dungeon Master have the majority of the story and structure figured out. With the core points mapped out, you can spend most of your mental energy improving other skills that are harder to systemize, like your off-the-cuff creativity.
