Demystifying Dungeon Masters III ft. Erik Frankhouse

Run a game like a champion DM!

Breezy game tips from one of the best dungeon masters around! Erik Frankhouse, the three-time champion of the Iron DM competition give us his essential tips. Now you may have figured out game preparation, but now you need to actually play it.

Now your preparation for your best D&D session will be tested, but you need not do it alone. With the advice of expert Dungeon Master Erik Frankhouse, host of Erik Frankhouse Presents, cartographer and game designer, you can boil down the immensely challenging task of DMing into something not just do-able, but easily doable.

You can find Erik here:

His Patreon here:

And his podcast here:

Party of Two ft. D&D Duet

Can't find a party? Just find a person, and you've got games for life.

Jonathan and Beth Ball of D&D Duet take a break from teaching, creating, writing, and having a general blast to join us! First we get to know the magic that makes them them. Then we learn one on one gaming secrets, like how to create a fantastic dynamic between the player and the DM, how to create a cast of DMPC's that highlight the hero, and how this style can make a more engaging player out of everyone. Then we explore the wondrous fantasy versions of themselves, and it gets weird in all the right ways, folks.

Check out John and Beth’s Blog dndduet where you can learn lots about playing and Dungeon Mastering at any group size, learn about Grove Guardian Press where Beth is hard at work on her exciting novel “The Buried Heroes” based on their d&d adventures, dive into their published adventures, and take a peek at their twitters @GroveGuardian and @DndDuet.

Download the NPC’s we created based on them at our Patreon.

Good Metagaming ft. The Monsters Know What They’re Doing

Incredible tactical approaches to playing any character or creature.

Our wonderful guest Keith Ammann takes a break from harnessing the true power of monsters to help us. He gives us great ways to consider our own tactics that keep games engaging. It frees up my mental faculties from asking myself "what spell should I use?" to now considering important questions like "how do I best insult this stinky little gob?

Check out Keith's blog The Monsters Know What They’re Doing, then his book Live to Tell the Tale, and his twitter.

The Method to Our... ft. Travis and Jordan

A couple of doofuses get interviewed about how they prep for games as DM's. If wisdom is found, it is purely accidental.

The brothers chat about what they each do respectively to prep for games. What they share in common and how they differ including some of the tools they can't go a single session without.

Check out all we mention at the links below!


Roleplaying Tips by Johnn Four

Gathering Minis

Reaper Bones


Making Maps



Gabriel Pickard

Dynamic Dungeons

Setting the scene

Hue Lights

Tabletop Audio




Google Playlists

Playing the Game

Die Hard Dice

Spell Cards

Physical Books for reference

Monster Cards

Media We Love


Adventure Zone

Critical Role

Session 0

DM Deep Dive

Harmon Quest

Fate and the Fablemaidens

The High Ground ft. Gabriel Pickard

Fight Zone! Magical Arena! Stealin’ Space! Whatever you wanna do in D&D, you’ll need somewhere to do it.

Battlemap master Gabriel Pickard joins us to give us three simple steps to making sure every encounter is a dynamic and fun experience.

Supporting Content:

Find Gabriel Pickard on Twitter, Roll20, Deviantart, and Drivethrurpg.

D&D Improv ft. Laena Anderson

Roleplaying is improv? Yes, and improv is magic. Charm Person!

The brothers wanna dip their toes into the art of improv, but they need some help, because them waters are scary and unfamiliar. So they brought on Laena Anderson, an amazing performer with the group Sorry, not Sorry in Edmonton, AB. to teach them how to improv at the gaming table.

Supporting Content:

Find the Sorry not Sorry group at

Find Skits and humour with The Debutantes at

Console to Tabletop ft. Tanner Roberts

Video Games stole ideas from D&D first, alright?

The brothers are joined this week by a gentleman that absorbs and masters games. His skills make opponents feel like their hands and eyes are encased in tiny gelatinous cubes. Discussion is had about takeaways from the hugely successful Mass Effect 2, including roleplay concepts, mechanics, and a very good NPC named Legion.

Supporting Content:

Special Guest: Tanner Roberts



Fiasco Relationship Builder

Created by: lyra256

Inspired by: Fiasco

Character Builds:


Creating Comedic Characters ft. Robyn Slack

Need 3 quick tips that help make a reliably hilarious character? The answer is yes, we all do.

Attempting to craft comedic genius is challenging. Characters can very easily drop off the razors edge of funny and heartfelt and instead fall into annoying or frustrating. Well not with these three patented tips from live musical comic and theatrical comedy genius Robyn Slack who joins the brothers for a conversation on what small steps can make playing comedic characters as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Special Guest: Robyn Slack

Supporting Content:

Success 5000:

Success 5000 Facebook:

Moonfruit webcomic: