How to Fix Mistakes in Your Game

Confidently sit down for D&D, knowing how to roll with whatever screw ups occur.

Making mistakes as a DM or player was once our biggest fear. Then, we learned that the greatest games happen due to unexpected occurrences, and that the best thing we can do in the face of creative adversity is just keep moving,. In this episode, you'll learn how to do that in any gaming situation that seems bad.

Making and fixing mistakes that you make in D&D is really no different from how you play the rest of the game. It's a series of unexpected events that lead you to the question "What next?" Well, first we head to the Strategy Stateroom to cover three steps to take with any mistake. First, make sure everyone is on the same page about mistakes. Essentially, everyone makes them, so let's all just chill and have fun. Second, determine if you've actually made a mistake, or if you just weren't expecting this. Can you move forward with no ill effects? Well, do that instead of panicking. If it is a mistake, figure out what negative effect it's causing. Thirdly, if it is a mistake, undo the underlying negative effect. Then we cover common mistakes like overpowered items or encounters, not giving out enough information, weakening characters, discussing how to fix them and what not to do.

Then we take a brief sojourn to The Temple of Inspired Hands to talk about a new tabletop roleplaying game coming out through Kickstarter called Shiver. It's a mega flexible horror themed system that introduces new mechanics that keep tension high, and let you tell stories inspired by horror movies, cult classics, and pulp tv. Check it Shiver Here.