Roleplay Giants with Culture Creation

Immerse your table with these towering titans

Have you ever struggled to flesh out a society in your games? Or multiple cultures at once? If you're working off of lore, it can be a lot to absorb and figure out how to use. If you are starting from scratch it can feel like becoming a novelist just to run a game. Well, we've wrestled this beast more than a few times, and we've got a system that makes it all much more manageable. In this episode, we're using it to simplify a creature in D&D with some of the oldest and richest lore, with subcultures and innate magic galore.

Giants are some of the biggest, baddest, and most awe-inspiring creatures to include in your games. They've always struck us as having so much potential, but too many times a lack of consideration just ends up with them as big folks with big clubs. In this episode we head over to Kinship Camp to explore how to build a culture for Giants that is simple, yet makes each group feel unique, connected, imposing, and realistic. We start by establishing the core Giant values of intuition, art, cleverness, tradition, bravery, and community. From there, we can just switch out one value for storm, cloud, fire, frost, stone, and hill giants to create six subcultures with a powerful origin and substantial differences. Once we've done that the rest of the details you need come easy, and it's incredibly simple to add a new subculture if you need it. Then we head over to Milly's Shop of Wonders to prove that any creature, even a giant, can drop fun items for any party member to add to their awe-inspiring collections.

Download our culture creator and create your own, but make sure to tell us about it in our Discord!