Casting Friends and Influencing People

Dispel misconceptions about the Friends cantrip and charismatic-ally blaze your way through the world.

Friends is an often overlooked and criminally misunderstood spell, and it's easy to make this mistake. It doesn't sling poison or prevent certain death or create illusions in the minds of your foes, but the versatility of this spell deserves a second look. It can make your charming character an ace in the hole for every talky part. As a reminder, Friends gives you advantage on Charisma checks for a bit, then makes your target turn hostile towards you. And it's fun as heck, okay? If it's good enough for Obi-Wan Kenobi, it's good enough for you! Easy now.

First, we get inspired by considering all the charisma based situations and skills this spell helps with and sort out what hostility really means. Then we explore new applications of the spell in different societies and figure out how people might really respond to it. Then we apply it to the characters that can stock this magic, and discuss using it in intimidating, deceptive, performative and persuasive ways.

And if you still want a little more inspiration, we introduce a couple of real world con artists that must have had a little magic on their side to make the deals they did.