D&D Mystery Simplified I: Worldbuilding

Craft the building blocks of your mystery adventure to lure out the investigators in your party.

Mystery adventures are some of the most complex you can run. This series of three episodes simplifies the process as much as possible while still allowing for mysteries that have the potential to surprise and feel like a great ride. In this first one we look at the essential ingredients you need to create in order to run a grand whodunit.

What do you need to nail down before you start planning your mystery adventure? There's so many plots to advance, faces to lie to, and backs to stab, but that comes later! In the Strategy Stateroom we go over what you should flesh out beforehand.

Main Hero


Antagonists Goal

Antagonists Plan


Then we switch gears and head to the Temple of Inspired Hands, where we discuss an awesome Kickstarter happening right now by Dream Realm Storytellers. It's a grim, brutal and super rich campaign setting for 5e inspired by Scandinavian Vikings and has adventures to go with it! The setting is called Svilland, and you can find the kickstarter here.