Hold Person Handily

Make every casting of this controversial spell heighten your heroic adventures.

Hold Person is wildly powerful and feels pretty cool when you get to snag a baddie with it. But it's one of the classic save or suck spells, meaning that either nothing happens, or something absolutely awful happens. This means dice start flying out of pure rage at the table when your barbarian is stuck in place during a climactic throw-down. Well, we demand better from our spells, and we hope you enjoy our exploration in making this enchantment feel as gripping as it sounds.

In Kinship Camp we cover three tactics for bringing out the best in Hold Person. First, we talk about how much you can twist the flavor depending on your caster's whole deal. That'll give everyone involved more to respond to, and make it feel like a part of your character. Plus we do a weird dive into the terrifying world of sleep paralysis, how it relates to the spell, and how you can use it to add depth to your magic.

Then we talk about minor mechanical tweaks if you want something better than a single save while keeping the soul of the spell intact. We sprinkle on a couple more thoughts about how you could use the spell, and that'll do it! Let us know what cool ideas this sparked for your games.

As always, huge thanks to the support of our patrons for making this episode a reality.

DM Thunderbum, Marley R., Garr the Pirate, Timewarp, DangerousMarmalade, Zach G., NoMaam, Michelle T., Alan E., Felix R., Chris F., The Senate, Lucas D., Lyla G., The GM Tim, Nevermour, Thomas W., Tyler G., Ty N., Heavyarms, Erik R., Aldrost, Leprecan, Will H-P.