A Chimera of Chaos

Create Chimera encounters that present new heights of tension, creativity, and tactics.

Chimeras are legendary creatures that have invaded folk's imagination since the ancient Greeks cooked them up. An epic three-headed beast conquered by the son of a god. Juicy. But have you ever been a part of an uninspired Chimera fight? Yes, they're deadly, but after a couple flyby triple head attacks things get stale. In this episode we talk about building up to a Chimera reveal, and spicing up combat to engage every player at your table.

In Kinship Camp, we discuss what bits of the Chimera we love, including bits from the Greek legend, their potential nature of pure chaos, and how much of a monster they really are. Then we flesh out a mini adventure, focusing on the tension-building beats of horror to make it a moment.

In Lamashtu's Breeding Pit we push the concept of the chimera to its limits. Combine three creatures, you say? Can do. We each take a crack at a triple threat monster cobbled together from fearsome beasts of D&D. Which would win? You tell us.

As always, huge thanks to the support of our patrons for making this episode a reality.

PeacockDreams, DM Thunderbum, Marley R., Garr the Pirate, Timewarp, DangerousMarmalade, Nico Y., Zach G., NoMaam, Michelle T., Alan E., Felix R., Chris F., The Senate, Lucas D., The GM Tim, Nevermour, Thomas W., Ty N., Heavyarms, Erik R., Aldrost, Leprecan, Will H-P.