Running a Monumental Monster

Create the climactic, complicated chaos your party craves with much less effort.

Ever throw down a giant nasty monster only to have the most memorable moment be when you couldn’t figure out the hp math for a minute? Without the party even realizing this was supposed to be the fight? We’ve been there.

The last episode introduced our method of running massive, world-ending monsters in a way that feels complex, with frenetic action, epic scale, and lots of collateral damage. In this episode, we take that format and flesh out three scenarios of different scales. Hopefully, it helps your next gigantazord to be that much more intense.

In Kinship Camp, we give three complete examples. Each starts with a unique purpose for using a boss monster. We run through the full scenario, complete with obstacles, setbacks, and choices the party must make, then break it down to show how we got there with our template.

Scenario One: Force of Nature.

The party's goal is to survive a Cthulhu-like cosmic horror as it rises from the sea while mitigating as much death, destruction, and mind control as possible.

Scenario Two: Impossible Odds.

The party quickly learns that they aren’t powerful enough to fight a tarrasque outright, and have to find a clever solution to overpower it in an arcane-powered desert city.

Scenario Three: Terrifying Obstacle

Demonic forces led by a lord of chaos threaten a city. The party has to use all its strength and teamwork to put a stop to it before it brings its ghoulish army into our world.

As always, huge thanks to the kaiju-sized support of our patrons for making this episode a reality.

Alex R., Steve A., Sigma, Kuraidoscope, Skyler E., Deadman, Ninja Duckie, PseuArt, Blackthorne, First Law, Peacockdreams, DM Thunderbum, Marley R., Timewarp, Dangerous Marmalade, Zach G., NoMaam, Michelle T., Adlerious, Chris F., The Senate, Lucas D., Lyla G., The GM Tim, Nevermour, Thomas W., DM Natske, Heavyarms, Leprecan, and Will H-P.