Confidently Plot Your Classic TTRPG Adventure

Use a simple system to unlock story-driven sessions

Homebrew adventures. The unlimited freedom to follow the fun wherever it leads. The ability to create thrilling sessions time after time, following the path that the party feels driven to follow, and feels satisfied in doing so. This is what we want for our table.

But there are so many ways to miss the mark. And we've missed it plenty. We've run meandering campaigns, spent hours on game prep only to not use it, or have just confused ourselves. Had cool ideas we didn't know where to put. We've seen our tables lose interest, stop roleplaying, and start making decisions they aren't excited about based purely on the numbers on their character sheets.

Well, we've solved all that with a simple storytelling structure. This episode breaks it down, puts it to use, and shows you how you can use it to cut down prep while playing the best games. In The Extradimensional Gateway, we revisit the inspirations for the adventure we are creating for this season, The Temple of Trials. Indiana Jones, The Goonies, and Stranger Things, among others, will be our guides to coming up with an awesome adventure. In Kinship Camp, we go through the eight steps of our story circle, Inspired by Dan Harmon, and modified by us for TTRPGs. Listen to how it works as we create our adventure, hopefully taking some inspiration for your own. In each step, all you need to do is answer a few key questions and think of some logical encounters that could take place.

In The Extradimensional Gateway, we revisit the inspirations for the adventure we are creating for this season, The Temple of Trials. Indiana Jones, The Goonies, and Stranger Things, among others, will be our guides to coming up with an awesome adventure. In Kinship Camp, we go through the eight steps of our story circle, Inspired by Dan Harmon, and modified by us for TTRPGs. Listen to how it works as we create our adventure, hopefully taking some inspiration for your own. In each step, all you need to do is answer a few key questions and think of some logical encounters that could take place.

In Kinship Camp, we go through the eight steps of our story circle, Inspired by Dan Harmon, and modified by us for TTRPGs. Listen to how it works as we create our adventure, hopefully taking some inspiration for your own. In each step, all you need to do is answer a few key questions and think of some logical encounters that could take place.

The Simple Story Structure: Simple Story Structure Template

As always, huge thanks to our patrons for making this episode a reality.

Inigo the Brave, Adam F., Alex R., Steve A., Sigma, Kuraidoscope, Skyler E., Deadman, Ninja Duckie, PseuArt, Blackthorne, First Law, Peacockdreams, DM Thunderbum, Marley R., Timewarp, Dangerous Marmalade, Zach G., NoMaam, Michelle T., Adlerious, Chris F., The Senate, Lucas D., Lyla G., The GM Tim, Nevermour, Thomas W., DM Natske, Heavyarms, Leprecan, and Will H-P.