Detect Magic, Identify, Arcana and the Difference

Become an adept investigator of the arcane arts by understanding your options

As a knowledgeable spellcaster with a deep understanding of the arcane arts, you want to be able to pull out the right skills at the right time, like the rogue when they're picking locks, or the barbarian when they're cracking skulls. But magic is a little less straightforward, and there's a few abilities that get used and confused in these moments. They often either get mixed up, or used to very underwhelming effect. So here we are to help your spellcaster shine in those magical moments!

In Kinship Camp we begin with an overview of three abilities: The Arcana skill, the Identify Spell, and the Detect Magic Spell. We've first got to understand what makes them distinct. Then we can figure out how they can be used to actually make the intelligent caster feel like the hero of a magical detective they are. This includes both in a way that stays true to the rules, and in a way that expands the potential and flavor of these abilities.  

Then we head to Milly's Shop of Wonders, where Travis introduces us to a grand magic item. Do you ever get a player that finds a magic item in the books that they really want their character to have? Well, it can be hard to make it feel like a part of the story or game world after that, without it just felling like a gimme. Well, the Coterminexus translates the magic item desires of your players into an in game system that requires sacrifice of them in order to get that which they truly desire.

As always, huge thanks to the support these folks give us on our Patreon. ISeeSpidersWhereThereAreNone, Sean J., The Senate, Lucas D., Lyla G., The GM Tim, Nevermour, Thomas W., Ty N., Heavyarms, Erik R, Aldrost, Leprecan, and Will H-P.