Show, Don't Tell ft. Ollo Clark

Bring moments to life in a way that inspires roleplay, not rules referencing.

Those great sessions that are packed with character moments, epic fights, and emotional highs seem almost magical. Well, this episode unlocks a piece of that magic. We talk to Ollo Clark from Escape Plan Games all about how the storytelling concept "show, don't tell" can apply to all the elements of TTRPG's, and help us encourage those memorable moments.

In The Strategy Stateroom we go through Ollo's four filters he uses to create great descriptions.

1. Purpose. What do I want my players to feel or experience?

2. Action. Can I do it with action instead of emotive language?

3. Sensations. Can I use sensations instead of descriptions?

4. Meta. What can I do outside of the fiction to emphasize the moment?

Next, we use these steps to think about how we would introduce some NPCs, monsters, locations, and weapons starting from some great prompts from a few of the show's patrons, which they gave us on the Hook and Chance discord.

Then we go to The Heroes Stage to learn more about Ollo's journey to becoming a Creative & Art Director, how his education in literature and acting has influenced the way he runs games, and some of the innovative features that Tavern Tales Volume I brings to the world of 5e supplements. Check out Escape Plan Games -

Follow Ollo on Twitter @jackbnimble42

As always, huge thanks to the support of our patrons for making this episode a reality.

Marley R., Garr the Pirate, Timewarp, Nico Y., Zach G., NoMaam, Michelle T., Alan E., Felix R., Chris F., The Senate, Lucas D., Lyla G., The GM Tim, Nevermour, Thomas W., Tyler G., Ty N., Heavyarms, Erik R., Aldrost, Leprecan, Will H-P